Love What Lasts
Coram Deo Academy
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Known, Loved, and Challenged
Coram Deo Academy
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Our Mission & Distinctives
What does it mean to say that Coram Deo Academy is a school that emphasizes classical scholarship? As a classical Christian school, we say that we prioritize the Great Ideas and the Great Books, but what makes CDA different from other schools?
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Classical Christian Education?
Classical Christian Education is a time-tested method of equipping students to become lifelong learners. At Coram Deo Academy, we combine this methodology with a distinctly and consistently Christ-centered approach.
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Our Mission

Coram Deo Academy

Exists to assist parents in their duty of biblically training their children by offering academic instruction that is distinctly and consistently Christ-centered and classical.


What does it mean to say that Coram Deo Academy is a school that emphasizes classical scholarship? As a classical Christian school, we say ...


To be a Christ-centered school means that we see that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7), that Jesus Christ holds all ...


God has appointed three complementary institutions for civilizing and cultivating the next generation: the family, the church, and the state ...


Everybody knows someone who has the MBA degree, but cannot balance a budget or someone with a PhD in Leadership but could not lead a ...

Is Coram Deo Academy right for Your family?

We invite you to attend or schedule a tour and learn more about what a classical Christian education might mean for your family.

Coram Deo Academy graduates students who embody our Portrait of a Graduate

Coram Deo Academy expects to develop students that exhibit the following behaviors:


Ignites a passion for the Gospel through a transformed & transforming presence


Listens carefully with discernment & speaks intentionally with wisdom and eloquence

Critical & Creative

Evaluates entire range of experience utilizing sanctified logic & an educated imagination


Engages in the discipline and delight of self-education & self-government


Acts with quiet resolve to catalyze generational change in obedience to the Great Commission

Our Graduates Say…

Coram Deo helped me as a scholar by providing a rigorous curriculum & high expectations from my teachers, requiring a great deal of dedication to my school work. The community of strong believers helped grow me in my faith, allowing me to be open with others and comfortable sharing Christ with others. CDA also showed me how Christ is preeminent in all areas of life.

Sophia King

The older I get, the more thankful I become for the education Coram Deo has provided me. I have learned how to reason logically, persuade effectively & communicate clearly and with grace.

Allison Clodgo

Scholarship is about asking questions and pursuing truth. I think Classical Christian education instills intellectual curiosity & reassurance that truth exists.

Sam Sites

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What We Do

We are a Classical Christian school that takes forming the next generation seriously. We exist to assist Hamilton County parents in their duty of biblically training their children by offering academic instruction that is distinctly and consistently Christ-centered and classical.

At Coram Deo Academy, our students learn to love what lasts.


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