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New Faculty Interview: Julie Kilmer

We’re so excited to be welcoming Julie Kilmer back to Coram Deo Academy! We thought we would catch up with her and ask her a few questions about herself, so we can all get to know her. Here are 10 questions we asked and her answers!


1. Are you married?

Yes, I am married. My husband, Roger, is a wonderful confidant with a great gift for listening. That has proven to be helpful in our marriage since I enjoy talking!


2. Do you have any children?

Roger and I don’t have any children of our own; however, each year, we value the opportunity to share our lives with the children in my class.


3. Where did you go to college?

I attended Purdue University where I received my undergraduate and graduate degrees in Elementary Education.


4. What gets you up in the morning?

I enjoy reflecting on Lamentations 3:23,

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

That verse with my thirty-two-ounce spinach smoothie allows me to face each day with enthusiasm!


5. What are your favorite hobbies?

I enjoy biking and hiking with anyone who appreciates a good workout amidst beautiful scenery.


6. What is one of your hidden talents?

I like to perform math problems in my head.  Although admittedly quirky, calculating the sums of numbers on cars’ license plates helps pass the time while waiting at stop lights!


7. What is your favorite book and why?

About fifteen years ago, I read Elaine Cooper’s book, When Children Love to Learn: A Practical Application of Charlotte Mason’s Philosophy for Today. This detailed account of how to help develop a child’s natural love of learning continues to be a constant source of inspiration for me.


8. How long have you lived in Indiana, and why do you enjoy living here?

Except for a two-year period of time living in Vermont, I have lived in Indiana since my childhood. I enjoy our parks and our changing seasons.


9. What meaningful event in your past significantly influenced your life?

Before I was married, I joined a family on a mission trip to Ecuador. We spent a portion of our week just twenty-five minutes from the beach where Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, and three other missionaries lost their lives to spears of Auca tribesmen. Although the seemingly senseless murders ended the lives of the five missionaries, the perfect love of Christ prevailed. Just two years after the 1956 killings, Elizabeth Elliot (Jim’s wife), Valerie Elliot (Jim’s daughter), and Rachel Saint (Nate’s sister) made contact with the members of the Auca tribe and eventually went to live with them. Elizabeth and Rachel witnessed the fulfillment of a dream – the men who had killed their loved ones came to know the perfect love of Jesus. While in Ecuador, I experienced the power of the Gospel in a personal and tangible way. I met Rachel Saint and shared a meal with the men from the Auca tribe. It was remarkable to realize the tribesmen were not to be feared but embraced as brothers in Christ.


10. What would we be surprised to learn about you?

While I enjoy eating delicious food, I don’t enjoy preparing it. Because of that, I am grateful that Roger enjoys cooking. We make a great team ~ He cooks, and I clean!

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