Written by David Seibel | 1.29.20
Here are four short elevator pitches answering the question, “What is Classical Christian education?”
They are a distillation of a blog by Joshua Gibbs with the Circe Institute found here. For this post, I took the heart of his points and labeled them.
#1. Holistic Education
You can earn all A’s and still flunk life. Building virtuous character in students is a critical part of Classical Christian education.
#2. Eternally Minded
Buildings crumble, clothes wear out, cups break. Material things don’t last, but great ideas do. Classical Christian education is concerned with emphasizing what has stood the test of time.
#3. Forming a Love for Beauty
Good things are an acquired taste. Classical Christian education helps students acquire that taste, both to appreciate what is great about what has come before and to identify what is great about what is being created now.
#4. Imitation Before Information
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. Classical Christian education is taught by those who exhibit character suitable for their students to imitate.

As Head of School at Coram Deo Academy, Dave Seibel aims to cultivate a generation of scholar-disciples who are passionate about learning. He is husband to Brooke and father of one current and three future Coram Deo students. He is a graduate of both Wabash College and Marian University and has also received his Masters of Divinity from Southern Seminary.
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