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Extras Insider- Clara Vasey

From a second grader picking out notes on a guitar to a fifth grader composing their own
piano piece, Coram Deo is invested in a well-rounded music studio. Over the past four years,
Mrs. Foss has led the music studio and this year, she gets to lead 5 teachers and over 40 students
in pursuit of musical excellence. During the music studio meet and greet, Mrs. Foss shared some
empowering virtues that studying an instrument helps to build. “The process of practicing and
performing music grows in us: perseverance, responsibility, creativity and confidence… it is
truly a worthy investment.” This year, a quarter of CDA is making this worthy investment,
having lessons once a week, for thirty minutes during the school day. Students are offered a
variety of instruments: guitar, violin, cello, harp, trumpet, voice, and piano.

The music studio has been blessed by a new piano teacher, Mrs. Camara, who is also
teaching upper school choir. She loves music and children, and has ten of her own. Piano is her
instrument because of its flexibility in being able to play both harmony and solo. She has been
teaching for over twenty years and has a trick to get students to invest in their work is to let them
perform a piece that they love. “One boy played a hard rock song by Twisted Sister called “We’re
Not Gonna Take It”, and his dad even played bass guitar and sang the lyrics! I really don’t prefer
that type of music, but it worked for him, and he did end up doing well in piano.” Upon meeting
Mrs. Camara, it was clear that she is full of joy in the Lord and is sure to spread that, and the
love of music, wherever she goes.

The first performance of the year that the music studio will be working toward is the
Harvest Recital in the CDA Commons at 6:30 pm on November 4th. So, mark your calendars
to support the Coram Deo students glorifying God by making music.

-Clara Vasey