Imagine a sport that combines the martial arts to the point that anyone can win, no matter their size. This is Jiu Jitsu. Jiu Jitsu is a relatively new sport, created in the 1950s, so that the essence of the ancient martial arts could be executed in a way that gives the smaller competitor the advantage. The way to win is to spar until one of the competitors submits.
Mr. Miller is bringing Jiu Jitsu to Coram Deo this January. He discovered the sport through a friend in college and does it to this day because it is as intense as boxing or wrestling, but with much more skill and barely any injuries. Mr. Miller trained at a local mosque “open mat”, where all sorts of men would come and spar, usually in the form of Jiu Jitsu. It gave Mr. Miller a lens into Muslim culture, which he is studying in seminary, and improved his Jiu Jitsu skills.
Mr. Miller is joined in leadership of the Jiu Jitsu Club at CDA by Mr. Granger and Mr. Vergara. Mr. Granger is a police officer and a blue belt in Jiu Jitsu. Mr. Vergara does ground fighting in the military, which is essentially the same as Jiu Jitsu. All three men are excited about teaching Jiu Jitsu and the life skills that come with it. In the words of Mr. Miller, “Jiu Jitsu teaches awareness and self-control because it is slow and measured and is about being right in your positions and attacks… It is about skill, not strength.”
Jiu Jitsu may sound intimidating, but the teachers and experienced students are thrilled to have beginners in the CDA Jiu Jitsu club. Layla Vergara, who is a grey belt in Jiu Jitsu and has been doing it for two years, has a word to the wise for beginners. “It is easy to catch on if you pay close attention and you practice fighting with more experienced people, because they aremuch safer since they have more experience.” Almost all of the students signed up are beginners, so all are welcome. Ben Vasey, a CDA third grader, is ready for the club to start. “I’m really really excited to do Jiu Jitsu, because it’s my first time and Mr. Miller is the teacher!”
The Jiu Jitsu Club at CDA will be focused on defense and safety. Participants will learn how to control their power so that they can win and keep all involved safe. To anybody who loves intensity, martial arts, or wants to learn and get exercise, Mr. Miller would love to welcome you aboard.