
Classical Christian Education

What is Classical Christian Education?

Classical Christian Education is a time-tested method of equipping students to become lifelong learners. At Coram Deo Academy, we combine this methodology with a distinctly and consistently Christ-centered approach.

How does reason and virtue relate to education?


Christ is the light by which we find knowledge and truth in every area of learning. As such, we view all subjects through the lens of Scripture. Students learn from faithful Christ-followers through instruction, imitation and practice.


Classical education adheres to a process of learning known as the trivium. Each level (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) aligns with a student’s stage of development to maximize learning. The trivium emphasizes the disciplines of reading, speaking, Latin, and logic so that wisdom and critical thinking become part of a student’s DNA. After graduation, these qualities enable students to continue their lives with curiosity and examination and live well through adversity in a way that glorifies God.

The three stages of the classical learning process include

The grammar stage of kindergarten through fourth grade teaches the building blocks of understanding and the fundamental concepts of every subject. Students are trained in memorization using techniques such as repetition, singing, and rhymes. The study of Latin also begins in this stage. Students explore the Bible and history chronologically and read important works written during the time periods studied. As students in this stage learn to imitate the truth, they develop the critical foundation for the following phases of learning.
The logic stage in fifth through eighth grade advances a student’s critical thinking skills through informal and formal logic, persuasive writing, speaking, and debate. Students begin to question analytically and examine ideas and arguments in our world. In this stage, they acquire the skills to evaluate these ideas and separate what is true from what is false.
The final stage of rhetoric occurs in ninth through twelfth grade. The rhetoric stage prepares students to solve problems, express their beliefs through speech and writing, and continue learning independently in the years to come. These skills require perseverance. A rigorous senior capstone project cultivates this, as well. This phase is the culmination of the trivium and completes the training that helps set the course of their lives. While CDA does not currently have this level available, students can continue their journey through online or other local opportunities.

What does it look like?

Raising Strong Children

Webinar with DeeDee Feeney

In this webinar, DeeDee Feeney, a long-time educator and a mother of five flourishing adults, shares the four parenting secrets she used during her children’s’ formative years. The framework she presents is the same we use at CDA in training students to develop healthy habits.

The DNA of Coram Deo Academy

Webinar with Coram Deo Staff
More parents are seeing that not all schooling options are effective in helping kids reach their full potential. Perhaps you are one of those parents. This webinar will introduce you to Coram Deo Academy as a partner in your student’s educational journey.