Coram Deo consistently challenges our students to rise to the next level in their academics and Mr. Miller’s sixth grade Bible class is no exception. His class was to give an analysis of Acts 10. This essay was written in class as part of a timed Bible assessment. There was not a drafting or editing phase, students were equipped with a Bible and nothing else. The students were challenged to use many facets of their education to complete the assignment. Please read and be encouraged by the essay below, written by Evy Furnish.
The significance of Peter’s vision of unclean animals is that it shows Peter that Gentiles can be saved too (Acts 10:28). In Peter’s vision he saw unclean animals coming down in a sheet. Then God tells him to eat but Peter says no. Finally, God tells Peter “What God has made clean, do not call common” (Acts 10:15). We are Gentiles and if Gentiles cannot be saved, how can we go to heaven to be with Jesus? Well, in Peter’s vision the unclean animals represent Gentiles.
In one of the following events, (Acts 10:44-48) the Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles and all the Jews who come with Peter are amazed. Peter goes back to the Church and some people are mad with him for going to the Gentiles. When Peter tells them all that happened (Acts 11:3-17) they glorify God (Acts 11:18).