Junior Kindergarten

Observe, Wonder, Imagine

Junior Kindergarten provides your child’s first experiences as a Coram Deo scholar, making it a very special year. As our youngest students prepare to put on their uniforms, wave goodbye to their parents, and walk through the classroom doors for the first time, we seek to welcome them to a place where their love for what lasts is nurtured. The classical tradition believes that education is primarily about formation: shaping one’s character and one’s loves. We desire to nurture a love for what lasts by cultivating their growing sense of wonder and the habits which will lead to a lifetime of wonder. We offer several different schedules for our Junior Kindergarten program, from half-day to full-day. We invite you to come see if we are a good fit for your family!

Consider how one can cultivate curiosity through conversation—rather than listing facts to be learned, we guide children in observing, wondering, and imagining. They will act out literature books to experience the stories coming to life.. As students learn about the stories of the Bible, they will look for what these stories teach about the character of our Creator. Their days are filled with living ideas which nurture their wonder and imagination.

"The foundational distinction between traditional education and modern education is that the ancients believed that education was fundamentally about shaping loves."

Kevin Clark and Ravi Scott Jain The Liberal Arts Tradition