Tour CDA

Experience Coram Deo Academy

Attend a Tour CDA

We exist to assist parents in their duty of biblically training their children by offering distinctly Christ-centered and Classical academic instruction. Witness this philosophy in action at our Open House.

Building an Education for Scholars


Rather than tacking Bible and weekly chapel onto an otherwise secular curriculum, we see Christ as the Lord of literature, Latin, logic, and all we study.


We guide young people through academic disciplines that shape the whole student for his whole life by giving him a holistic view of all things.


Faculty, staff, and families all work together to help our students flourish. Likewise, students worship together, create together, and play together.

Turning Values into Action

Verses of the Bible + poetry memorized by end of 8th grade
Speeches and papers written by the end of 8th grade
Theology Thursdays, with one every
Guilds integrated throughout all grade levels
Extracurriculars: Athletics, speech meet, arts & more

Making 12,000 Hours Count

John Westerhoff

By the time children are twelve years of age, they have spent more hours in school than they have spent with their families & religious community combined.

How will those 12,000 hours affect your child?

Developing Lifelong Learners…

who pursue TRUTH

Eagerly seeking the light of truth

who love BEAUTY

Appreciating that which is God-honoring

who strive for GOODNESS

Cultivating godly habits and attitudes

Join us at this month's Open House

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 AM

Place: Coram Deo Academy
Located off of 116th Street in Carmel

525 Congressional Blvd, Carmel, IN 46032