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Is classical Christian education right for your family?

Over the past few years, I have learned that every child can be a great fit for classical Christian education. These are the five marks of a classical Christian family. In this mercifully short post, see if these marks define your family.  

Question #1: Is your family committed to Christ and the Scriptures? 

CDA families value our commitment to Jesus Christ in all that we do. Our school motto, Soli Deo Gloria, means “Glory to God alone.” Children memorize long passages of Scripture regularly and are taught to live accordingly. We often hear the story of parents who are pulled aside by their children’s Sunday school teachers and are asked how these children know so much. We pray and work so our students will translate what they learn in school into a life of service to Christ. If you share these values, you will probably fit well at Coram Deo Academy. 

Question #2: Are you committed to well-behaved children? 

In modern education, the goal is to affirm every desire of our children. At Coram Deo, our standards within the school are loving, yet structured, so we have a tight ship full of grace. Our students show joyful order. We believe all children are created in the image of God and we deeply respect the uniqueness of their personalities. All children are prone to misbehavior on occasion, so we don’t expect your kids to be perfect (or even close). We do expect parents to support our teachers and administration as we lovingly, but firmly, discipline children who are acting out. If you value a partnership with a school that will uphold high standards, you will do well at Coram Deo Academy. 

Question #3: Do you value academics and a Christian work ethic? 

Our school is generally recognized in the community for the academic standards we uphold. This comes with a standard of work that requires a little more of both parents and students. Parents are often called upon to be actively involved with their young children as they do homework. Many parents find that by the 4th or 5th grade, the Latin, history, and other subjects exceed their ability to help. However, parents still remain actively involved to ensure they are diligently working to prevent frustration from poor study habits. While some families may find it difficult to trade off some recreational or entertainment time to focus on academics, our graduates commonly thank us for their training.

Yet, some misunderstand our work ethic. We do not desire or expect children to work excessively. Certainly, children need time to play. For this reason, we restrict the amount of homework allowed each week.

For those who wonder why we have higher expectations: Hundreds of families have found that their children thrive in our environment because they enjoy being challenged. What expectations characterize your family? If you are serious about finding an educational partner in preparing your child for life, we invite you to visit and see what’s possible.

Question #4: Do you value a broad-based education or do you see education as a relatively generic commodity, with slight distinctions? 

Some parents want a mainstream education like they had. If you were satisfied with your education (assuming you were educated in a mainstream public or private school) and don’t see any reason to want more, then you probably won’t find our form of education appealing. From our uniforms to our study of the Great Books to our emphasis on writing, we are different from most schools. 

Often, the people who most identify with classical Christian education are those who went to school in the eastern or southern United States, Europe, or any of the British or French commonwealths. A vestige of classical education remains in some of these areas, particularly in the preparatory schools. For Midwesterners influenced by John Dewey’s 20th century progressive model out of Chicago, classical takes some relearning. Because classical Christian education takes time to appreciate, those with a background in traditional Western education more quickly identify with the advantages gained in what has been called a “Western liberal arts” education.

If you are attracted to an education that reaches beyond mere training to enrich the minds and the spirits of students, as they learn to love learning, then you should consider our school.


Question #5: Does your family love learning and books? 

The most consistent success factor for children at Coram Deo is the learning environment at home. Families who read and love to learn send children to our school because they want the world of language, books, history, science, and math to be an integrated whole. They want their children to use their love of knowledge to explore and seek Truth. Families that do not have many books in their home and that rarely visit a library or bookstore probably will not find our educational model compelling.

Having said this, many families discover the world of literature and information through their children’s experience at our school. If you would like to develop a love of books, knowledge, and learning in your home, Coram Deo can provide a great start.

The biggest factor determining the success of a child is their family. At Coram Deo Academy, we pass on a love for what lasts to children as we work in partnership with families that meet these five marks. 

Hear more about this topic on our Faithful Learning podcast episode, Is Classical Christian Education Right For My Family.

References used:


Soli Deo Gloria,

Dr. David Seibel, Head of School

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